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2013 Storytelling World Honors Recipient:   Who says learning  can't be fun?  This book is a great resource for helping people of all ages develop the skills needed to effectively communicate in front of an audience, laughing all the way.  These games can be used in formal settings such as workshops and classrooms, or informally to help people get to know each other or pass the time on a rainy day or long ride.  But don't take our word for it--listen to these other professionals:
Donald Davis, Master Storyteller: "Through this book, the Burchers lead us into experiencing and learning about  storytelling through play! The exercises and storytelling games take a large and complicated “meal” and break it down into small, digestible, and enjoyable “bites” that can be joyfully taken in by people of all ages."
Linda Goodman, Storyteller, author, and playwright: "These addictive, educational games will jog the memory and boost creative juices to an all-time high. The activities in 101 Games That Teach Storytelling Skills are fun for young and old alike and are a great way for group members to share their own stories as well as hear others"
Andy Offutt Irwin, Storyteller, humorist, public speaker, and educator: "Everything you need to turn your group of high-energy, dueling anecdote yellers into performing storytellers is in this book. Anthony and Mike have years of experience creating camp fun, storytelling fun, and theatre fun. 101 Games That Teach Storytelling Skills is chock-full of know-how that I will use again and again."
Read this review by storyteller Geraldine Buckley    Visit 

101 Games that Teach Storytelling Skills

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